Monday, February 1, 2010

Make a Wish!

Finding some sunshine on a winter juice!

Hello Juicy Friends!

I hope that winter is finding you enjoying plenty of cozy moments!

We certainly seem to be flying through winter with a baby in the house to light our days with her smile! Sophia is now seven months old and seems to be learning something new every day. I can't believe it is February already, and that March is right around the corner which means that SPRING is right around the corner!

I am writing to let you know about a very special event that is coming up....yet another gift from Tera Warner and Shannon Leone....My diva-licious friends, creators of the Raw Mom Summit, have gathered up yet another beautiful basket of wisdom, all there waiting for you to pick it up and sit down for a cup of tea with it….please be sure to listen in starting March 8th!

From the Divas themselves:

WISH Summit

It sees women have always come together as part of a

community to support one another in their tasks and times of

need. Now, in our electronic world, we can facilitate the

coming together of much larger groups of women and a much

more diverse range of knowledge, wisdom and support.

That's why Tera Warner and Shannon Leone have created

W.I.S.H. Women's International Summit for Health. In

celebration of Women's Day this year, they're extending a

one-time-only invitation to attent an online summit where 40

of the world's leading experts on health and wellness for

women will be coming together at the same time.

For a series of 10 days, women will be given access to a

series of recorded interviews with some incredible people. You

can catch all of the interviews for FR@E!! by registering before March 8.

Whether it’s the kids, the cellulite, the hot flashes or

steamy romances, W.I.S.H. brings women together to find

solutions and recharge their batteries.

W.I.S.H. promises to be the world's biggest empowerment

party for women
and I invite and encourage you to sign up

and be a part of this extraordinary event.

I hope you will join me in listening in and share a cup of virtual tea (or orange juice!) with me while we soak up some inspiration!

With peaceful steps,

Katrina Rainoshek

WISH Summit

1 comment:

Azura Skye said...

Hi there,
I've awarded you THE SUNSHINE AWARD - for your wonderful energy!

Feel free to pop by my blog and pick it up if you so wish.

Wishing you sunshine in your little family x