Hi Friends and Juice Feasters!
If you are familiar with JuiceFeasting.com, my presentations, or the book I researched with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. called There is a Cure for Diabetes, then you KNOW I am an avid researcher.
Well, I am at it again. This time, it's Vitamin B-12, and the information is HUGE.
I am doing a free webinar on Vitamin B-12 next Tuesday, May 24th, where I will present to you my latest research on this important nutrient that most of us are lacking - and that is SO EASY to fix once and for all. The Vegan community does not need to be low in this essential nutrient. You can click the video below to check it out:Did you know: Even If You Eat A Raw Vegan Diet, You Are 80% Likely To Be Low In Vitamin B-12?
Low B-12 Means: Low Energy, Foggy Thinking, and Poor Digestion...and the research I have uncovered shows that low B-12 will actually create health conditions that can largely eliminate the GAINS you achieve by eating a plant-based diet!Join This Free Online Training, Bust Through All The B-12 'misinformation', And Easily Raise Your B-12 Levels, Once and For All... With David Rainoshek, M.A.
Here's what you'll learn at this live free online training:
+ The 3 ways to determine if you are B-12 deficient or not (most people have no idea)
+ The GOLD Standard for testing B-12 levels.
+ 3 Powerful Little-Known Methods to properly raise your B-12 levels and KEEP them there.
+ Which B-12 Supplements Are a COMPLETE Waste of Time (and money) and Might Actually Damage Your Health.
+ Why Your Doctor May Not Even Know Anything About B-12
+ The Most Common Signs Of B-12 Deficiency Including Ones You May Not Be Aware Of
+ Why most of the time Vitamin B-12 Deficiency Goes Completely Misdiagnosed.
Seats to this free online training are FREE, but they're on a first come first serve basis. Whether you are or ARE NOT concerned about your B-12, don't miss this, because low B-12 is so easy to miss (most people don't even know they're deficient)
...AND it's easy to fix... I'll show you how.
See you soon!
David Rainoshek, M.A.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Vitamin B-12!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Are You On A Hero's Journey?
What does the film Never Cry Wolf have to do with Juice Feasting?
The Hero's Journey!
I (David) addressed the connection at the Raw Food World Conference here in Vilcabamba, Ecuador this week in my two-hour presentation on Juice Feasting: A Modern Hero's Journey.The film is based on Canadian writer and legend Farley Mowat's book Never Cry Wolf. The hero is sent on a government study into the arctic to study wolves - alone. It is a story of one person's solitary hero's journey of the call to adventure, trials, self-discovery, and finding perennial truths that society has forgotten.
The Hero's Journey is a going out, and a return, and during the talk I spliced in excerpts from Never Cry Wolf - the movie - to illustrate this path. I highly recommend both the short book and the beautiful film in building a knowledge and a felt-sense of what the Hero's Journey is.
If you are working to transform your life, you are on The Hero's Journey!! I have dedicated a whole Day of JuiceFeasting.com to this important mental / emotional / spiritual aspect of Juice Feasting and life transformation. I have a 50-minute talk on The Hero's Journey on that day, complete with an interview with Angela Stokes about her 92-Day Juice Feast.
Members can find this excellent Day here: Day 9: The Hero's Journey
You will also find a talk by Joseph Cambell on The Hero's Journey on Day 9, as well, along with a whole file I have created for you to download and enjoy.
(If you are not a member of JuiceFeasting.com. you can sign up now and receive access to the entire 92-Day Program, with 92 Days of important files, videos, articles, information and inspiration to spur you on in your own Hero's Journey!!!)
The great psychologist Carl Jung asked himself, "What is the myth I am living by?" Jung, when he realized he did not know, wrote, "I took it upon myself to get to know 'my' myth, and I regarded this as the task of tasks."
This question burns in many of us. What is the great story of my life?
If you want some help answering it, look to Joseph Campbell. The Hero with a Thousand Faces is an excellent book, and even more approachable is the series The Power of Myth with Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell presented on PBS. You can find it here:
With peaceful steps,
David Rainoshek
Hanging out with my daughter Sophia between busy moments!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Raw Food World Conference!
First of all, I am so glad that so many of you decided to include this FILM in your health and wellness libraries. David and I were living and working at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center while the film "Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" was being edited and we were even there for the very first viewing in Dr. Cousens' office! Very exciting to see it out there in the world doing its magic.
We are still loving the valley and so excited that our time here is lining up with The 2011 Raw Food World Conference, sponsored by Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes-Monarch along with Dave the Raw Food Trucker and his dear ally Teresa. I love, love, love that this is held as a free event, opening up so many opportunities for sharing, community building, playing, learning, and loving. And what a beautiful group of people! I am so excited to be spending the next two weeks with all of you and looking forward to getting to know you much better!
David gave a talk on Juice Feasting last night, and I was hoping to go but little Sophia had other plans...such as sleep! No matter though, there are plans to create a video of his presentation soon and I plan on seeing that! (I hope!) ~Motherhood brings all kinds of opportunities to go with the flow :)~
I've created an album for photos I've taken during the event here for those of you who, like me, are passionfilled for pictures! xo (If you happen to be in any of these photos and would like a copy, please leave a message and I'll send them along!)
And, last but not least, one of the less important but countless reasons I fell in love with David...his Brazil Nut Pate Nori Cracker!
Matt says "This is by far the best raw food recipe for Nut Pate and Crackers Angela and I have ever tasted." And I say, yeah, I know!
Hope you enjoy it too!
Love and blessings,
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Diabetes: Owning the Truth
Hi Friends and Juice Feasters,
Do you want proof? Most of us do. How about a FILM and a BOOK that prove we can heal diabetes?
You can find the goods in the powerful documentary film "Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days." If you haven't yet seen this film there's something really special going on this week only that you should check out.
You can see the trailer for the film right here:
When Dr. Cousens and I released the book There is a Cure for Diabetes, we were certain that the proof was in the Green Vegetable Juice: A live, plant-based diet is the most powerful way to bring down high blood sugar and heal the health challenges associated with diabetes.
One out of three children born in the U.S. today will develop diabetes, if we maintain our current course. Wow. As a researcher and health practitioner, I can tell you that this is a precursor for the decline of a civilization, if left unchecked. OR it is an opportunity to reassess, to reorient to the Hero's Journey of healing. That is what you will witness in the film: heroics in healing.
P.S. - For 5 days only the producers of the film are giving away "Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" and the companion "Raw for Life" 2 disc DVD set for 50% OFF the regular price in an effort to raise awareness on how to reverse diabetes and other illnesses with raw and living food
It's all part of the April 25th Reversing Diabetes Action Day celebration which is taking place this week.
Make sure to check out the trailer right away…

Finally, on JuiceFeasting.com, I have dedicated a whole Day 72 of the 92-Day Member Program to Diabetes, so that excellent information is available, as well!
With peaceful steps,
David Rainoshek, MA
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
South of the Equator!

I am writing to you while listening to a beautiful cacophony of highland birds and looking out over big yellow hibiscus flowers to a lush green valley and hills beyond.
Yes, we are in Ecuador in the gorgeous valley of Vilcabamba!
Our decision to come was both a long time coming and very swift. Long time coming as in we've been wanting to come down for a visit ever since a friend of ours told us he was buying land down here in late 2007, and very swift as in deciding to come one week and flying down here the next!
We had everything in storage accept what we needed for daily living, we didn't have a lease or mortgage to maintain, we have very good friends who live here and who just happened to have a guest house where we could stay while we got situated, we were set! All that was left was to buy a ticket, and so we went for it.
Just half a week after arriving here, we moved into a beautiful little house tucked into a garden, right next door to our dear friends and are feeling very blessed to be here.
But, phew, what a ride the past year has been! We have been on a whirlwind tour of free-style daydreaming and the pursuit of so many different possibilities it makes my head spin! Little Sophia, who is not even two yet, has already lived in 5 different houses (if you count our tent-home of last summer as a house!) and David and I have toyed with the idea of at least 10 more. You would think we were out to break a record! Now we are off on yet another adventure.
We are here until mid-September at the earliest, gently exploring and staying open to where life will take us.
Each day it feels easier and easier to be here, the sharpness of so suddenly adjusting to a new place is slowly wearing off as we build community and explore the land surrounding us.
I'll leave you with a few pictures, and for more you can always check out our Flickr site!

Oh, and I had the most crazy amazing juice yesterday morning. For the first time in my life I tried Passion Fruit Juice, squeezed by my love David (click on the link for health benefits of this juice!) If you really want to try a high voltage juice, this one is for you, bring on the passionate juice baby!
Sending love that you are all well and juicy,
Katrina Rainoshek
Monday, March 14, 2011
Seaweed and Seaweed for Dinner.

Today's menu at our house included lots of spirulina, chlorella, bee pollen, miso, kelp and dulse. In light of the recent meltdowns at Fukushima in Japan, I hope all of my friends and loved ones are filling their beautiful bodies with similar foods!
Anti-Radiation Foods:
Blue/Green Algaes
Spirulina (5-10 grams/day)
Klamath Lake Blue Green Algae (Aphanizomenon Flos-aquae
Bee Pollen (2-5 Tablespoons/day)
Sea Vegetables
Sodium Alginate (naturally present in kelp, arame, wakame,
kombu, and hijiki)
Chlorophyll-Rich Foods
Siberian Ginseng
Miso Soup
Reishi, Shitake, Maitake, Agaricus, Lion’s Mane
Mushroom Complexes
Hydrated Bentonite Clay shakes
Edible Clays
Liquid Zeolite
Potassium Iodide to protect thyroid (only in a nuclear event)
For more information please check out:
the book Conscious Eating by Dr. Gabriel Cousens: Chapter 29: “How Diet Can Protect You from the Dangers of Radioactive Radiation” (593-622)
and this article has some great info on kelp: Kelp: A Prophylactic Protocol for Radiation Emergencies.
That is all for now, going to bed to send dreams of love and healing to all of creation.
In love,

Monday, February 21, 2011
Spring 2011 Juice Feast!

Its that time again! Spring cleaning!
Check it out here and join us for a rockin' good juicy time coming this March.
Love, juice, and inspiration,
Katrina Rainoshek