not a creature was sleeping!! not even the mouse!!
They were far too excited and had drank too much Cacao
so what happens then, well golly gee wow!!
They danced and they sang and they jumped up and down
while others cried out "why, there's no produce left in this town!"
The juicies had bought it all up for their juice,
so farmers got rich, organic greens became the golden goose!!
Doctors and pharmacy clerks ran with glee from their posts crying "juice is the cure"
and they dug their hands deep into the dirt with no fear!!
Everyone started planting seeds left and right
and all were so busy with wonderful tasks there was no time to fight!!
The next 92 Days were juicy for sure
as every last lovely felt strong, clean, and pure!!
So join us, why don't you??
It's sure to be great, as we all flow along and become what we create!!!
Well, tomorrow morning we will all wake up and begin this journey together.
Be sure to read A Day In The Life Of A Juice Feaster if you haven't already done so, and also carefully review Getting Juicy: Making Beautiful Juices. Make sure you watch Blind Guru making juice with a Vita Mix if this is going to be your way of making juice (our version of making juice with a Vita Mix is coming soon.) Grocery Shopping also has lots of information on the things that you will juicing, and there is a very handy shopping list for you to download at the bottom of the page.
In a nut shell, you will be waking up, feeling excited that today you are embarking on a journey of incredible depth and transformation, grateful for the space that has come into your life to allow this to manifest. (If you wake up feeling grumpy, crabby, afraid of juicing, and wondering why you ever even entertained the idea at all, that is OK too, your morning mood will shift and become brighter and brighter as you get further into your Juice Feast.)
The first thing you will do is make your morning water, one quart with half a lemon squeezed juice and 1-3 TBS of MSM. Then, you can go do an enema, skin brush, have your shower ending with hot/cool. Then you can go and make your juice!! 4 quarts and you are set for the day. You don't have to think about making food, what am I going to eat?, getting in the kitchen, doing dishes, or any of that for the rest of the day (unless you are a domestic god or goddess and are still creating food for your loved ones, in which case we salute you.) You have the rest of the day to do what ever you do!! When you are hungry, drink more juice!! If you drink all 4 quarts and are still hungry, make more juice and drink it!!
This is from our Juice Feasting Intro on how to drink your juice successfully on your Juice Feast:

The order of your juices between Green Vegetable Juice and Fruit Juice is important. Start your morning with a Green Vegetable Juice. Why? Several really good reasons. First, we are not used to drinking greens, or eating them, for that matter. You are getting in a Green Juice first thing in the morning, which means that you already have one done. Also, you are training your taste buds to ask for greens by making them the first thing that hits your tongue that is food. This is good training for adopting the Four Means to Get Your Greens, my real-world, raw food paradigm outlined on Day 83 of the Juice Feasting Program, which starts your day with a Green Smoothie (a fruit smoothie, really). Finally, starting your day with a Green Vegetable Juice means that you are not raising your blood sugar too high first thing in the morning, and are giving your body fuel which will last for hours. This is fuel that alkalinizes your body.
After that first juice, then you are ready for Fruit Juice as your second or third juice. The reason for this is that you have been active mentally and physically, and your body is more ready for carbohydrate, provided that fruit juice is appropriate for you on the Feast. If you are doing Fruit Juices, do make sure that you mix in Green Superfood Powders and even some bee pollen. Remember, one place that we get in trouble with food is eating high-sugar. low mineral foods. By adding in Green Superfood Powder Concentrates, you raise the mineral profile of your juices significantly.
Finally, at the end of the day, have a Green Vegetable Juice. It will satiate you for the rest of the evening, and greens and celery are calming (alkalinizing things are calming to your system) which will make you more ready to relax and fall into a deep sleep a few hours later.
SUMMARY: Your Juices schedule goes as follows:
1. Morning by 8:00 am: Green Vegetable Juice (1 Quart)
2. Mid-Morning around 10:30 am: Green Vegetable Juice or Fruit Juice (1 Quart)
3. Lunchtime: Green Vegetable Juice or Fruit Juice (1 Quart)
4. Late afternoon: Green Vegetable Juice (1 Quart)
5. Early Evening: If hungry, Green Vegetable Juice (1/2 to 1 Quart) that you made after work at home
Feeding your body juices consistently is a key factor in your success on the Juice Feast.
Angela Stokes has just made available a series of Juice Feasting conference calls, and here is what she has to say about them:
'O, I’m very excited to say that on the eve of this worldwide foray into feasting we’ve just managed to put up a new set of Juice Feasting Calls for download. ;) This ‘Juice Feasting Conference Call’ series, comprises 4 one-hour calls, which were recorded live in May 2007, after my own 92-day Juice Feast was completed. This is a new way to access in-depth
information about Juice Feasting - these calls go deeper into the 'knitty-gritty' than my Juice Feasters Handbook'.
You can find these calls here. We haven't listened to these calls yet, but knowing Angela we are sure they are wonderful, inspiring and informative.
And if you are still looking for inspiration to start your Juice Feast, check out this blog entry form the resplendent Carrie, who has just completed her Juice Feast:
Before I get completely swept up in the culinary wonders sweet B has in store for me, I would just like to take a moment to reflect upon this whole process.......AMAZING!!!!! One of the craziest, best things I have done for myself to date. A true culmination of so much that I have learned over the years, tidied into a brilliantly laid out, beautiful, rational package of such love, abundance and full-hearted-ness. Of everything I knew about whole foods, raw, vegan nutrition, this is absolutely the next step, the thing to take it all to the next level as a platform for life transformation. In the process of committing to and following a largely self-directed juicing protocol, I willingly crawled out of my safe cave into a community of some of the most open-hearted, generous, benevolent creatures I have ever had the good fortune to encounter. I also stepped unwittingly into a public persona that has given me tremendous pleasure and courage, self-confidence and humility.
The information matrix that is Juice Feasting, and the paradigm of nutrition and personal/global health that surrounds it resonates with me deeply to my core, and so inspires me to incorporate it on a fundamental level in my professional work with clients, whether it be bodywork, energy work, or acupuncture. Finding a teacher in David Rainoshek is the answer to a specific request I have had pending with the universe for some time now. I am ecstatically overwhelmed with all the directions I want to go in, from here, the center point that keeps madly multiplying. My joy is great, my inspiration abundantly fueled, my satisfaction fulfilled and overflowing, and my time....I want more! I think I shall never be bored again for as long as I live, and that is a wondrous thing. I have endless relationships that I would like to cultivate, new friends in several countries to visit, personal and professional dreams to manifest, and delicious, divine green food to make it all happen, with grace, serenity, and delight!
Carrie, we are blessed to have you in our world, you are a true gem!! We are so glad you loved your Juice Feast, rock on juicy one!
Oh, and I forgot to add a few things to our shopping list of the last blog, believe it or not there was more! We also got 4 yams, 24 lemons (the price was right) and 3 Jerusalem artichokes. We just got our new nut mylk bags in the mail from Mr. Monarch, and I treated myself to three of the Anastasia books that came as well. I look forward to reading them after hearing so much about them. I think we are all set!
We were talking with some friends who are here in Patagonia today who are going to be Juice Feasting along with us. They said that the grocer, and the produce supplier just could not believe the amount of produce that is being ordered into this little town!! Like nothing they have ever seen, they said to our friends "What is going on in this town?!!" Of course our friends replied "JUICE FEASTING!!"
And finally, the last Rainoshek supper for 92 Days!!
With love and gratitude, we are so looking forward to juicing with you all and being the change we wish to see in the world!
David and Katrina Rainoshek