I Love Re-Bounding!
Juice Feast Day 86
The Daily Juice Journal:
This morning I made 3 quarts of GVJ with cucumber, celery, spinach, romaine, dandelion greens, kale, parsley, cilantro, baby tumble weed, carrot, ginger and apple. I also made 2 quarts of orange and pineapple, and one quart of watermelon, apple, lime, and ginger (OUTSTANDINGLY GOOD!)
Added to juices: Vitamineral Green, kelp, bee pollen, MSM and maca.
Also taken: Vitalzym, ginger/lemon/honey tea, antioxidant extreme, Max Stress B, Internal Parasite Formula and water.
Personal Journal:
Well, I think we are finally 100% over the ill effects of that wild dust storm! When we were in town yesterday we spoke to several people who also got terrible allergies/flu from the dust, and Annie at the health food store even said that the store had been very quiet due to the windstorm! Finally after stiff legged days of post Grand Canyon hiking and then the dust flu I really got a good bounce on the re-bounder today. My cells love dancing!
I really can’t believe there are just six more days of Juice Feasting for me! WOOOOOOOOOWWWWZERS! What a trip it has been! I am in the twilight of my Juice Feast, the sunrise of the rest of my life! What a fabulous feeling, to feel so clean, healthy, and strong, I am so grateful! Enough exclamations???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah! Ah! Ah! But I am so exclaimingly happy!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and so is David who is munching mangos beside me, working on a chapter)
Katrina and David
You sound so fabulous, Katrina! It has been great hanging in here this long! I already feel so amazing, so accomplished and so grateful for having learned so much from you and David and from myself. This journey is one I'll never forget nor ever regret. I think having a diet high in juices will be a part of my life from this point forward. Thank you so much for being such an amazing models!
Love to you this Memorial Day!!
Woo Hooo! Almost there! You will be munching mangos alongside David very soon.
Pixy Lisa
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