Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Global Juice Feast Day 60!

I Love Coconut Water!
Juice Feast Day 60

The Daily Juice Journal:

This morning we made 6 quarts of GVJ with cucumber, celery, romaine, kale, dandelion greens, cilantro, red lettuce, parsley, lemon, carrots, and apple. We also made 4 quarts of orange and pineapple, and two quarts of grapefruit garlic.



TOTAL JUICE: 5 QUARTS JUICE and water from two young coconuts.



TOTAL JUICE: 6 QUARTS JUICE and water from two young coconuts.

Added to juices: Vitamineral Green, maca, kelp, hemp oil and bee pollen

Also taken: Vitalzym, NCD, and water.

Personal Journal:

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Day 60 is grand, it is a day to celebrate and roll around in juicy bliss!! We had coconut water to celebrate, and felt tropical and romantic.

Oh if only I didn’t feel so ANXIOUS!! Yes, after a phone call with my sister on Sunday which found me happily describing my new emotional calm and stability, I woke up on Monday morning in such amazing joy, I felt like I would BURST, it was five in the morning and it felt like the day was already warm with sunlight, I bounded out of bed! Then, in the midst of meditation, I hit a wall. I don’t know how to describe it, it was like the lights were on, and then they weren’t. My throat felt choked, my heart felt squished, I felt a slow implosion on my whole being. Self contraction at its finest. The day continued to be filled with anxiety and irritability, and has continued today. Like birth, we move to a greater opening, expand, contract, expand, contract…..until we are open enough for true self to emerge.

I truly believe that this is part of the growing, healing, and expansion of heart and soul, and I have done some serious self inquiry to see that this really is a downward part of the upward spiral and not just some unhealthy dive into negativity.

Day 60 comes in with a bang! Over all, despite this feeling in my chest that I am going to break into a panic attack screaming fit at any minute, I am feeling very calm and grounded…a contradiction I know, but I am learning to dive down into the calm waters below the storm while the storm rages. Wonderful. I am noticing a very reliable pattern in that whenever I feel I have pushed the boundries of my happiness and joy, my retracted self gets freaked out and begins to scream, “don’t forget about me!” in a last dying breath. That scream becomes less and less frequent, and holds less and less sway over me. Wonderful again. It used to run a much larger part of the show, believe me! And how could I not feel excited about Day 60!!??

(The other part about all this is that it is making me feel very hungry!! I am aware that it is emotional hunger, but it is annoying none the less.)

I have been meaning to write about these three lovelies for quite some time now:

Michelle!! Is on to the world of solid food after a very beautiful, transformative and heartwarming 84 Day Juice Feast. This wonder woman has FIVE sons, and not only did she Juice Feast while doing some of the most important work a person can do (raising a family) but also found time to share her journey with love and eloquence with the rest of us through her blog. Michelle, I loved seeing your artwork, hearing about your boys, your thoughts, and seeing you blossom. Keep it coming lady, and may your path be bright!

Hanlie!! Broke out of her Feast about the same time as Michelle. I didn’t get to know her all that well, but her blog is always entertaining, and she is very generous with sharing her story. The children that are just waiting to join her are very excited to see her loving herself so well, and transforming her health in magical ways so that she can be THE BEST MOMMY EVER!!

Lisa AKA Pixywinks!! Has just completed her 75 Day Juice Feast!! You go girl, we can’t wait to see how much you continue to LOVE salads, which we know are oh so exciting! Keep on rocking the world with your pixy charm!

You have all set bright examples, and are as always shining lights! Thanks for sharing with us all.

We filmed a special Day 60 video for everyone, and are hoping to have it up and running sometime tomorrow or the next day so that you don’t keep seeing us two weeks ago in the videos.

That is all for today, enjoy the 2/3rds down, 1/3rd to go glow! It is now a time that you body will be moving out of such deep cleansing and more into rebuilding, so although the changes start to slow down a bit, stick with it! There is still much benefit going on in that miraculous body of yours!!

In light,

Katrina and David

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Global Juice Feast Day 59!

I Love Blooming Ocotillo!

Juice Feast Day 59

The Daily Juice Journal:

This morning we made 6 quarts of GVJ with cucumber, celery, romaine, lemon, carrots, and apple. That was it! A very low day in produce, and a day for chores in Tucson. While in the city we also got 6 quarts of freshly squeezed OJ.







Added to juices: Vitamineral Green, and bee pollen

Also taken: Vitalzym, NCD, and water.

Personal Journal:

Another long day in the city, beginning with morning meditation, juice making, and then the beautiful drive through the mountains down to Tucson. The Ocotillo cactus are in bloom right now, filling the desert with spots and splashes of red, dancing in the wind on the end of long, cactus wands! We started with tea and calls to students at the Epic café, and then spent the day doing chores, including getting vegetable oil for the truck from a Chinese restaurant where the owner came out and had a long chat with us, telling us he has a great vegetarian menu and to please come back! He told us he now spends about $10 a gallon for the cooking oil he uses, making us feel like we really were filling our truck with liquid gold. When we went grocery shopping we realized that it will only be 3 or 4 more times that we do while Juice Feasting!! Wow, can that really be? Will I miss leaving the store with two carts over flowing with produce? No, I don't think I will...but it is perhaps good practice for when we have kids! Although I hope by then we are growing most of our family's food at home.

We got home really late, (I am writing this on Day 60), got to bed really late (for getting up at 5am!!) but as always thrilled to be home in our home sweet home after a busy day in the city!

Can’t wait to write about DAY 60!!!!

Love and hugs,

Katrina and David

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Global Juice Feast Day 58!

I Love Berries!
Juice Feast Day 58

The Daily Juice Journal:

This morning we made 5 quarts of GVJ with cucumber, celery, spinach, arugula, romaine, lemon, carrots, and apple. We also made two quarts of orange, grapefruit, and lemon, and two quarts of watermelon, cherry, blueberry, apple and lemon







Added to juices: Vitamineral Green, kelp, flax/DHA oil, bee pollen and maca.

Also taken: Vitalzym, NCD, burdock root tea, antioxidant extreme, Max Stress B, cayenne, and water.

Your Questions:

What time period after my feast is over (I'm thinking 60-70 days) can I get my bloodwork taken with accurate readings. I know from experience having my bloodwork done immediately after a two week juice fast that the numbers were skewed a bit.

I'd like to wait and have it done when everything is normalized and I can get a "true" reading.


We Say:

As far as we know, you can have your blood tested almost immediately. After about a week you should get a true reading on your blood work.

Another Question:

Great post guys, and as always lovingly supportive and informative.
So I have some news to report and ask: Since ending the JF and eating solid foods (about a month now), I have been so bloated and gassy that it reminds me of how I felt when I first went raw. Now despite this, my elimination has never been better --huge amounts of stools several times a day!:)So one would think that this would be bringing the bloating and noxious gas down, but it's not. It's as though my elimination has gotten much better but my digestion has gotten worse or at least super sluggish? Everything I put in me, whether it be something light like fruit or salad, or something cooked and more dense (I am not doing 100% raw, more like 70 or 80), doing good combining or bad combing, juice or nuts -- EVERYTHING seems to create gas and bloating ( I look 3 months pregnant sometimes!) and SUPER noxious gas, despite all my elimination and colonics ( once a week with good cecum releases). I am feeling really gross and kind of frustrated. I know the JF was so good for me in many ways, but I feel worse post than I did pre in terms of my digestion:( I am taking probiotics and going to amp that up by a lot and see if that helps. Any other insights or suggestions?
As always big hugs and deep gratitude!

We Say:

Hello Kyle!

Oh dear! So sorry to hear that this is happening to you! Your story is somewhat curious to us as I am sure it is to you, as gas and bloating are usually signs of being “stopped up” and it sounds like this is not the problem for you. It is also not a common experience for most people after a Juice Feast, and I say this not to make you feel bad, but so that other readers don't get worried their plumbing might be off after Feasting. We are all so very different, but usually people experience a stronger digestive system after cleansing it out. So, lets see if we can figure out what is causing this situation for you!

Our only guesses, with out knowing your full situation, are that you have low stomach acid and are not fully digesting your food before it enters the small intestine (which would lead to both bloating and gas) and that perhaps a colonic once a week is more than you need, and is working to flush out the good flora and bacteria in your colon needed for good digestion.

We agree that up-ing your probiotic intake is a good idea. Focus on bifidus cultures, rather than acidophilus which are acid forming when taken over time. You could also try taking Vitamineral Green, which is loaded with good probiotics among other things.

If it makes sense to you that your stomach acid might be low, you can focus on lots of green juices and green smoothies, celery for sodium so that your stomach is lined with alkaline mineral and can create nice strong stomach acid, and you could also try taking supplemental digestive enzymes and a HCl supplement and see if this helps. Victoria Boutenko’s book Green For Life is a great resource for understanding HCl, and what we can do about strengthening it for excellent digestion. Sunshine and cayenne are also great at stoking the digestive fire.

Other little tips for increasing digestive strength:

  1. Chew your food really well.
  2. Drink lots of green juice and green smoothies. Drinking green juice supplies the minerals needed to digest whole food.
  3. Try eating a large portion of your calories as blended foods, such as green smoothies and green soups.
  4. Engage in vigorous exercise.
  5. Practice the “breath of fire” by inhaling passively, and exhailing in bursts through the nose as you pull the lower belly in.
  6. Get direct sunlight to as much skin on your body as possible daily.
  7. Get a sufficient amount of sleep and rest.
  8. Try drinking some water about 10 minutes before you eat to flush out your stomach, which will cause it to re-supply with fresh, stronger stomach acid. Do not drink while eating, and wait about 30 minutes after eating to drink.
  9. Try supplemental HCl, digestive enzymes, and probiotics.
  10. Eat as much of your calories from fresh, enzyme rich, raw foods as possible. Avoid dehydrated foods, which can cause bloating and gas in those with weaker digestion.
I hope that one or two (or all) of these things help towards increasing your digestive fire! Remember that these things can take time, so be patient with it, and in the mean time remember to say when you fart “better out than in!” In our house, when ever someone farts, the other says “I love you!” kind of like “bless you” for a sneeze. It might be kind of silly, but it certainly makes the farter feel less yucky, and makes the non-farter realize that they really do love the farter no mater what, which can be a good thing to remember when the room is filled with noxious gasses from your loved ones inner realms making you wonder if you love them in that moment.

The last things we might guess, and these of course would be our last guesses, and without knowing your history we could never say for sure, are that you perhaps have an engorged area of your colon, or a transverse collapsed colon. Both of these situations would cause the gas and bloating. You could ask your colon hydrotherapist if this is a possibility for you. If either of these are the case, you can shrink your colon back down with the use of white oak bark and ginger, by following the white oak bark and ginger protocol of Juice Feast Breaking. You could use these two herbs for several months if necessary. Also check out Day 3, Day 4, and Day 84 of the 92 Day Program for more information!

Let us know how things go for you!

Personal Journal:

Another glorious day on juice! What to say….can I tell you I feel deeper love and gratitude than EVER!!?? Oh sweet greens!!

That is enough for today,

With love and thanks,

Katrina and David

Global Juice Feast Day 57!

I Love Arugula!

Juice Feast Day 57

The Daily Juice Journal:

This morning we made 5 quarts of GVJ with cucumber, celery, spinach, kale, arugula, chard, romaine, lemon, carrots, and apple. We also made two quarts of orange, and one two quarts of grapefruit garlic, and two quarts of watermelon, cherry, blueberry, apple and lemon YUM YUM!!







Added to juices: Vitamineral Green, kelp, flax/DHA oil, bee pollen and maca.

Also taken: Vitalzym, NCD, astragalus root tea, antioxidant extreme, Max Stress B, and water.

Personal Journal:

We have been getting some beautiful, local produce lately, including arugula!! I love arugula, and always have a nice big bed of it when gardening is part of my life. Fresh arugula salads....mmmmmmm! I am enjoying it in my juices just as much.

I did it again! I actually did not give full disclosure about yesterday’s coffee enema…I COULD NOT hold it all in, and had to let most of it out right away, and then lay there for 15 minutes with some of it. Today, I was able to hold it (after considerable deep breathing through the wave of peristalsis) for the full 15 minutes, and then released what looked like a lot of bile (pardon the graphic nature of this, but it was very orange from the brown and yellow) Hooray!! I feel totally FANTAAAASTIC!!!! There was obviously nothing to fear about coffee enemas, in fact quite to opposite. Your body does not absorb caffeine from the enema the way it does when you drink a cup of joe, so my concern was unfounded, thank goodness or I would not have been able to sleep all night.

David and I sat down to a juicy dinner tonight, just like sitting down for eating a meal, and it was so lovely. We shared stories of what it was like to start eating raw foods, the first raw meals we ate, how much we have learned, and what the whole process was like. We had a good laugh about it all. David’s first consciously raw meal was a plate of cut up carrots, yellow squash, and zucchini, for breakfast!!
I asked “you didn’t have fruit for breakfast?” and he said no, fruit made his stomach hurt too much. He was excited about this breakfast, because it was the first time in three years that he had been able to sit down to eat before noon because his stomach hurt so much all the time from acid reflux. He spent about a week having this breakfast, and salad for lunch and then a cooked dinner. After that week he already felt so much better, he decided to start having a raw dinner too, and started having salad for dinner.

We also got to talk to family and friends up in Victoria on the night of the Victoria Juice Luck. I first of all called via land line, and chatted with my nine year old sister Finn for a while, when all of sudden I was abruptly hung up on. Later they called on Skype, and the story was that she had been stung by a bee, and so hung up on me. She said “we put baking soda on it but it still hurts!” I said “try GARLIC” So my dad chopped some up, Finn spit on it for the enzymes, and they put it on the sting. In less than a minute Finn said “it doesn’t hurt anymore!” just like the book claims, it is fast working stuff. Wonderful. I got to put some book knowledge to the test, and I now know that garlic works for bee stings. Hopefully I won’t have to try it for snake bites, speaking of which I did run into the biggest snake I have ever seen this morning on my walk. A huge, pink rattlesnake, it must have been six feet long and at least two inches around. Luckily it rushed away from me and up a tree. No need for chewed up garlic.

Hope you all have a beautiful Saturday!

With love,

Katrina and David

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Global Juice Feast Day 56!

I Love Cranberries and Oranges!

Juice Feast Day 56

The Daily Juice Journal:

This morning we made 5 quarts of GVJ with celery, cucumber, arugula, spinach, romaine, cilantro, carrots, yam, and apple (we ran out of cucumber!). We also made four quarts of orange, cranberry and pineapple, and two quarts of grapefruit garlic







Added to juices: Vitamineral Green, kelp, flax/DHA oil, bee pollen and maca.

Also taken: Vitalzym, NCD, astragalus root tea, antioxidant extreme, Max Stress B, and water.

Personal Journal:

I did it, I did it, I finally did it!!!

"What?" you say......

Well, this would only be exciting for those of you who understand the small victories of Juice Feasting....I finally did a COFFEE ENEMA!! How was it? Pretty much just like any other, accept that I lay on my side reading for a lot longer than usual. I didn't feel or see anything un-usual, so there you have it, the full report.

See you tomorrow!!

Love and hugs,

Katrina and David

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Global Juice Feast Day 55!

I Love Juice!
He was a sad
And sickly lad...
In fact, a Drab Recluse.
How did he eke
His Fine Physique?
'Tis plain: ... REFRESHING JUICE.
~NH Woodchuck

Juice Feast Day 55

The Daily Juice Journal:

This morning we made 5 quarts of GVJ with celery, spinach, romaine, cilantro, carrots, yam, and apple (we ran out of cucumber!). I also made 1 quart of tomato, spinach, basil, cilantro, romaine, and garlic juice. We also made three quarts of orange and pineapple, and two quarts of grapefruit garlic







Added to juices: Vitamineral Green, kelp, flax/DHA oil, bee pollen and maca.

Also taken: Vitalzym, NCD, astragalus root tea, antioxidant extreme, Max Stress B, and water.

Your Questions:

Hi David and Katrina
I'm on day 69 of my feast, and the past 2 days I've had serious nose bleeds. I'm talking heavy bleeding for an hour or so. I've been a nose bleeder my whole life, especially as a child, but I haven't had any bad ones in quite some time. I'm not taking ALL the supplements, so I was wondering if there was one I should be taking for this. I did my re-tracing and I would be at 24 yrs old at this point in my feast. I can't remember anything that I would be detoxing at this point to cause such a thing. Any clues as to what might be happening? BTW, I haven't been able to get very many greens down in the last week or so, so my juices have been heavy on the fruit. Plus drinking my water.
Pixy Lisa

We Say:

Dear Pixy Lisa,

Oh no, we are so sorry that you are experiencing nose bleeds! We have never heard of nose bleeds as a form of detox. Spontaneous nose bleeds are usually a sign of a week vascular system, very dry conditions such as high altitudes or desert areas, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, and from nutritional deficiencies, most commonly vitamin C and/or bioflavonoids. When I first moved to Patagonia, AZ, I was getting nose bleeds EVERY morning!! It was not much fun. I started taking cayenne to strengthen my vascular system, and after about a week the nose bleeds stopped. I think it was a combination of the cayenne and getting acclimated. Also, if your nose is not stopping bleeding, one possibility is that you are low in Vitamin K, which is a blood coagulant. If you haven’t been getting in many greens, which are really high in Vit K, this is certainly a possibility. Try getting in as many greens in as you can.

Here are some other things you can try:

Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting and is found in watercress, dark green leafy vegetables, kale, and alfalfa. You could also try taking supplemental Vitamin K. Go to Life Extension Foundation, and look for Vitamin K2.

Nutritional therapy: 3 grams of Vitamin C when bleeding starts, and 1 gram every hour after that nose bleed continues (1 gram = 1,000 miligrams)

Squeeze contents of Vitamin E and A capsules into the nose.

Aromatherapy: lemon, lavender, cypress, frankincense

Hydrotherapy: Ice pack (apply over nose and to back of neck to stop bleeding)

Juice Therapy: Carrot, beet, with ginger or cayenne

Practical Hints: Sit down with head tipped forward. Stay in a cool room. Sit, lean forward, open mouth and breath through mouth. Pinch lower part of nose for 20 minutes, then slowly release pressure and avoid any contact or pressure with the nose. If bleeding continues after the first 20 minutes, pack nose with gauze and apply crushed ice within a cloth against the nose and cheek. Lie back, and refrain from any motion or activity for several hours.

I hope this helps and that your nose is happy, healthy and strong again very soon!

Personal Journal:

We very often get asked the question “How long does it take for me to fully detox?” or “How long do I have to Juice Feast to rid my entire body of toxins” We were talking about it today, and David commented that asking this question is a bit like calling a mechanic and saying “how long will it take to fix my car?” With out knowing what kind of car you have, how old it is, how it has been looked after, and what needs to be fixed, there is no way the mechanic can answer your question. Even then, it will have to do with availability of parts, how much you want to spend, how important your car is to you, and how far you actually want to take the repair of your car. That being said, there are some generic things that can happen while detoxing and cleansing. Read on from an answer David gave today to the question of “How long until I am done detoxing?”:

This is a great question, and I am happy you have written us with it. Just to put your question in perspective from my vantage-point: everyone is individual, so the times to completely detox vary from person to person. Also, there is healing and there is detoxification. Both take different lengths of time depending on the duration of the health challenge, or the kinds of toxins and where they are.

Intestinal bowel detox will happen in 30-92 Days for most folks, although our morbidly obese students take longer, as do some folks who have had impacted fecal matter for decades.

Heavy metal detox can take 3-6 months even with elements such as Natural Cellular Defense and Chlorella, etc.

Undigested fats and rancid fats will take 2-6 months generally, as evidenced by the disappearance of liver spots in our older students.

Liver detox can take a year or more to completely happen, including a Juice Feast, eating a nutrient-dense plant-based diet, and interspersing liver cleanses and teas.

Kidney Decalcification can take a year or two, as well, but this process is started strongly during the Juice Feast by removing the underlying causes (acidifying toxic diet with animal products) and using Chanca Piedra (Break-Stone Tea).

At just a weight loss level, the average is 1-2 lbs per day for the first 10-14 days, dropping back to 1/4 lbs per day on average for the remaining days of the Juice Feast, or until one has dropped slightly below their ideal weight (calculated as 100 lbs for the first 5 feet of height, and 5 lbs for each additional inch of height. I am 5'7", so my ideal is around 135, give or take 5 lbs).

You are right about wanting to achieve a healthy state that is not overly toxic. Remember that you are always producing toxins in your body from normal metabolic work, and from living on the planet at this time with our industrial and agrochemicals. That being said, a 30-92 Day Juice Feast is enough for most people to cleanse significantly enough to reach the point of no return, and that is what we want. Moving forward with our eyes ahead to better and better health and life realities.

We have designed the Juice Feasting Program to do just that for you, provided you follow the Days on the Program and open up to the information and the practices, etc. we have for you. 12-15 lbs of organic produce plus superfoods each day for 30-92 Days is enough to train your body and mind to ask for these foods in solid form after the Feast. We also provide information on The Four Means to Get Your Greens so that you can seamlessly transition into eating after the Feast.

I hope this is helpful. Congratulations on your journey. You are a shining light. Remember: We eat at the level at which we want to achieve. A McDonald's diet gets that level of achievement, and a living diet with superfoods gets another level of life transformation and actualization. Ask yourself what you want to achieve with your amazing potential, seek it in every way, and the amazing food you need to eat to achieve your potential will flow into your life as your true, authentic cuisine.

There you have it folks! I love the idea that we need not think so much about the food we eat, but more about the level of health and well being that we wish to actualize, and this will inform our food choices, rather than vice-versa.

We just got in from a stunning evening walk, the pecan trees are budding out in full excitement, just about to burst, and the mesquite trees are already bursting with green. We are heading into the rainy season, and the foliage is getting ready to soak up all the extra moisture for the precious trees.

Good night, sleep tight, sweet dreams, golden beams!!

Katrina and David

Global Juice Feast Day 54!

I Still Love Garlic!
Juice Feast Day 54

The Daily Juice Journal:

This morning we made 6 quarts of GVJ with cucumber, celery, spinach, romaine, parsley, carrots, and apple. I also added ginger and garlic to my GVJ. We also made three quarts of orange and pineapple, and one two quarts of grapefruit garlic







Added to juices: Vitamineral Green, kelp, flax/DHA oil, bee pollen and maca.

Also taken: Vitalzym, NCD, astragalus root tea, antioxidant extreme, Max Stress B, and water.

Personal Journal:

Oil in my GVJ = BLOATING!!! I will try tomorrow taking my oil away from my juice, and see if that helps.

My energy came back today, and I feel high and happy on juice once again. Oh I am in love with garlic, I can feel it pouring goodness into my body, and at the same time burning off the things no longer needed. Just recently got a little book called The Healing Benefits of Garlic by John Heinerman, who is also the author of The Complete Book of Herbs and Spices, in which he claims that GARLIC is his all time favorite herb. I would have to agree. My immune system and whole body in general feels SO strong when I have lots of garlic in my diet. In this little book about garlic I have learned all kinds of fascinating uses, such as chopping it small, mixing it with saliva (for enzymes) and using it as a poultice for snake bite, scorpion bite, any kind of bug bite, and the sulphur in the garlic bonds or links up with individual molecules of poison and renders them inert before they pass through the liver. A similar process is at work when sulphur compounds come between tow or more chemical food additives and prevent them from linking to form potentially cancer-causing agents within the body! You can also use crushed garlic mixed with honey (to make it stick) and apply it to a tooth with a painful cavity, and the garlic will act as a pain killer and take the pain away! The list goes on and on, and I don’t think I will ever be with out this magical root ever again!

Have a beautiful, spicy, day!!

Katrina and David

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Global Juice Feast Day 53!

I Love Earth!
Juice Feast Day 53

The Daily Juice Journal:

This morning we made 5 quarts of GVJ with cucumber, celery, spinach, romaine, parsley, carrots, and apple. I also added ginger and garlic to my GVJ. We also made four quarts of orange and pineapple, and one quart of yam and apple, and one quart of watermelon, apple and lemon







Added to juices: Pure Synergy, kelp, flax/DHA oil, bee pollen and maca.

Also taken: Vitalzym, NCD, astragalus root tea, antioxidant extreme, Max Stress B, and water.

Personal Journal:

Happy Earth Day!! Of course it is just one of 365 days a year of Earth Day but how nice that we have a “day” for our Mother Earth. Just another Mother’s Day, really. Happy Earth Day, dear Mother Earth. I love you more that I can ever express, you make me whole.

I promise to be the best daughter possible, and to respect you and love you in everything that I do, always keeping you in my heart and mind. I promise that your words to me will never be ignored or taken for granted, every caress from your winds appreciated, every scent of your earth enjoyed, every stroke of your sands on my feet reveled in, every bath of your waters rejoiced, every view of your countless beautiful faces adored. I am here for you, because of you, with you, aware of you, conscious of you, and in love with you.


Katrina and David Rain

Monday, April 21, 2008

Global Juice Feast Day 52!

I Love Green Onions!
Juice Feast Day 52

The Daily Juice Journal:

This morning we made 6 quarts of GVJ with cucumber, celery, kale, spinach, romaine, cilantro, dandelion greens, carrots, apple, green onion and garlic. We also made four quarts of orange and pineapple, and two quarts of watermelon, lemon, apple and orange.







Added to juices: Pure Synergy, hemp oil, bee pollen and maca.

Also taken: Vitalzym, NCD, burdock root and dandelion leaf tea, astragalus root tea, and water.

Personal Journal

Something is going on!! I don’t know what, but I feel it, another clearing of “stuff” I had some more liver quiver tea this morning, burdock root and dandelion leaf, and felt really low emotional energy again all day. We've also been adding dandelion greens to our juices, which feels fantastic and nutritious, but I think this is adding to the liver cleanse somewhat. The interesting part of it is that I still feel really clear and happy, it is as though the bottom of my energy has dropped out, and I just don’t have any…I feel like I could sleep all day. And I was hungry most of the day again, and drank almost two gallons of juice!!! I didn’t add any oil to my juice today, and feel much better in the bloating department, as in NO bloating!

Still managed to have a nice productive day despite the quivering liver. We went to pick up produce from Red Mountain and celery is over $3 a head!!!!! Gotta love that sodium. We also dropped by the Tree of Life to pick up some more bee pollen and Vitamineral Green, both have been sadly missing for a while.

I have been loving all of my new books that arrived at the sweet little Patagonia Post Office, and I am reading at least five different books right now! Lots of great stuff coming in. I love it how books begin to “talk” to each other when you are reading more than one at a time, and all kinds of magical connections are made in your little brain. Books illuminate each other, and draw each other out in to brighter light.

I will leave you with an affirmation from the resplendent Louise L. Hay:

"My body is peaceful, healthy, and happy, and so am I.

Good health is my Divine Right. I am open and receptive to all the healing energies in the Universe. I know that every cell in my body is intelligent and knows how to heal itself. My body is always working towards perfect health. I now release any and all impediments to my perfect healing. I learn about nutrition and feed my body good, wholesome food. I watch my thinking and only think healthy thoughts. I release, wipe out, and eliminate all thoughts of hatred, jealousy, anger, fear, self-pity, shame and guilt. I forgive all those who I believe have ever hurt me. I forgive myself for hurting others and for not loving myself more in the past. I love my body. I send love to each organ, bone, muscle, and part of my body, I flood the cells of my body with love, I am grateful to my body for all the good health I have ha d in the past, I accept healing and good health here and now. "

Louise Hay was at the Raw Lifestyle Film Festival with her film You Can Heal Your Life and I was thoroughly impressed by her. She got up on stage full of life and spunk and announced that she is now 80 and she plans on having the best decade of her life in her 80s! She was so excited about living, growing, expanding, and learning that she was vibrating! What an amazing role model for us all.

And so I lift my juice in a toast to you, dear reader, that you may bound on into life beyond your glorious 80s!!

With love,

Katrina and David

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Global Juice Feast Day 51!

I Love Dandelions!
Juice Feast Day 51

The Daily Juice Journal:

This morning we made 6 quarts of GVJ with cucumber, celery, kale, spinach, romaine, parsley, dandelion greens, carrots, green onion and garlic. We also made four quarts of orange and pineapple, and one quart of yam and apple.







Added to juices: Pure Synergy, kelp, flax/DHA oil and maca.

Also taken: Vitalzym, NCD, burdock root and dandelion leaf tea, chamomile tea, coconut oil, and water.

Personal Journal:

WOW did I ever love the juices today! We added green onion and garlic to our green juice for the first time, and I LOVED it! There is such depth to the flavor, I felt like I was drinking a yummy broth. And you really do have to try apple and yam juice, so smooth and rich, and tastes like pie!

I added oil to my juice for the first time in awhile, and it made me feel quite bloated and yuck. I would like to keep leaving it out accept that my eyes have been so dry in the mornings, and they were doing so well when I was taking the DHA oil. We will see about that.

I also had a cup of really strong burdock and dandelion tea that has left me feeling quite low…more liver cleansing? It was like night and day, I felt wonderful and then had the tea, and it left me feeling actually depressed, in the way that I used to feel when all I wanted to do all day was lie in bed and not move. The difference is that right now I am not depressed, I am just experiencing the emotions. I am so HAPPY that I no longer feel that way!!

Oh the joys of liver cleansing!!! And I am feeling ravenously hungry at the moment…that too will pass though, I know it.

Other than all that, it has been a beautiful peaceful Sunday of working on videos and writing.

Have a beautiful Sunday evening!!


Katrina and David

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Global Juice Feast Day 50!

I Love being 30 on Day 50!!
Juice Feast Day 50

The Daily Juice Journal:

This morning we made 6 quarts of GVJ with cucumber, celery, kale, spinach, romaine, parsley, dandelion greens, apples and carrots. We also made three quarts of orange and pineapple, and two of grapefruit garlic.







Added to juices: Pure Synergy, kelp and maca

Also taken: Vitalzym, burdock root and dandelion leaf tea, coconut oil, and water.

Personal Journal:

Hello Dear Friends!!

So sorry to have dropped the blogging ball, but it was just so lovely to go inward and be contemplative for a few days, writing only in my black book.

Here we are on Day 50!! And I am 30!!! I am so thrilled to be 30 I can’t even say. I feel that I have broken through a barrier, into a new and magnificent decade. My 20’s were wonderful, I had a lot of fun, and also a lot of angst and growing pains, and I feel I grew beautifully into my own skin, learning to love and respect this temple I have been given to inhabit, and I also learned and chose to step into the driver’s seat of my mind, this one was a BIG DEAL!! I know I will continue to work on both body and mind, ever spiraling upwards, but I now feel so much more drawn into the realm of soul and spirit, so much better prepared to dive fully into the development of awareness.

I had an amazing 30th birthday, one of the best birthdays of my life thus far, I literally floated on bliss all day. We started off the day by hitting 4th Street in Tucson for some of our new favorite “fairy drinks” which are little fairy sized bottles of Red Ginseng and Royal Jelly.
Fairy Drink for a snack.
Then it was down to the Epic CafĂ© for tea and some birthday Skype calls with Ma Rainoshek and then my dad, Ayrie. My dad, bless his heart, didn’t remember that it was my birthday, and so I had to remind him and he said “Oh man, see I guess that is what happens when you are Juice Feasting!”

After loading up on fresh juices, in addition to what we made and packed in the morning, we headed up Mt. Lemmon!! The base of the mountain begins with a forest of coyboy cacti, aka Saguaro, you know the kind that are in all the coyboy movies, looking like a strange gathering of aliens reaching their arms to the sky. Then it moves up in to the hoodoos, large, spirited stands of rock standing watch quietly and peacefully over the desert below. Up, up, the winding road, vistas left and right, to the forests of pines!! We stopped just below the pine forest for a ridge run walk. The wind was warm and blustery, the sky was brilliant blue, the wildflowers were everywhere in pink, purple, yellow, white, and corn blue, and we felt wonderful. After our walk, I had my favorite juice of orange and pineapple with green superfood, maca, and bee pollen and David sang Happy Birthday. The best birthday juice ever!! The Birthday walk with wildflowers, hooray!!
My Happy Birthday juice, orange, pineapple, green superfood, maca and bee pollen.
Oh so yummyayaa!
We found a place to pitch our tent higher up the mountain in Rose Canyon, on the pine needle carpeted floor beneath the whispering pines, beside a creek, under an almost full moon. Even our evening fire was perfect, warm, dancing, smoke free, and was bright enough for David to read me poetry by firelight. We went to sleep to the sound of the wind in the trees and the light of the moon on our eyelids.

Fireside birthday cuddle.
Kissed by fire!

In the morning, we went for a walk around Rose Canyon Lake, and then drove down the mountain a ways to go on another walk, this one the most breath taking of all, through the steep grassy plains of mid-mountain, again spotted with wildflowers and majestic hoodoos, the rare green tree spreading a bit of shade, and the sound of water running along the creek bed far below. LOVE IT!! Felt like I could walk for days, camping out night after night under the stars….can you make enough juice from cactus and dried yellow grasses to Juice Feast? Perhaps another time…..

Our first Juice Feasting/camping experience was a great success.

Thank you to all of you who left me lovely birthday notes, I appreciate you all!

This morning we got up, meditated, made juice, and then had a lovely chat with Nomi Shannon, who is running a 21 Day Spring Into Better Health event, and we were honored to help kick it off in a free webcast with Nomi, Kevin Gianni, and other guests. Nomi Shannon’s The Raw Gourmet was the first ever raw food recipe book I ever owned, and it was given to me by my mom for my 28th birthday. I can’t wait to dip into it again after this Juice Feast!! Oh the yam and apple stuffed mushrooms!........ENOUGH!! I should go have another juice!

Not much new to report in juice land. Oh, I guess I do have one thing. David has stepped up our juice making production another notch, cutting green juicing time in half! Just when we thought we couldn’t get any better at juicing! It has become a full on production line in the green juice making side of things and here is how:

First: wash every last piece of produce (we had been washing things as we needed them.)
Second: blend up two blenderfulls and pour them into a nut mylk bag and suspend, using the handles of your cupboards, over your juice bowel.
Third: blend two more blenderfulls and pour into a second nut mylk bag, suspend over the juice bowl. You will notice that quite a bit of juice has dripped out of the first nut mylk bag while you blended the second batch, leaving less for you to squeeze.
Fourth: Take the first nut mylk bag down from the cupboard handles and squeeze out all the juice. While you are doing this, the second bag will continue to drip juice.
Fifth: take the second bag down and squeeze. Now you should have 4-6 quarts of beautiful green juice!!

I think the reason it is so much faster is that you do not interrupt any one task to do another, you are not pausing in blending to wash more produce, or pausing in blending to squeeze, you just do each task on its own and it happens so quickly! And, gravity is doing some of the juicing for you while you leave your nut mylk bags suspended.

Perhaps this is how you have been doing it, and we are just slow pokes, but I think we have taken this long to get to this point in part because our kitchen is so small, making it hard to wash all the produce at once because there just isn’t much room for all that washed green matter in the sink or the counter. Now we realize the squish is worth the squeeze, if you know what I mean.

Yes, it was an exciting morning when David made all the green juice and had everything cleaned up in less than half an hour!!

It still takes us longer to do all the citrus, with all those peels to remove, but if we have a breakthrough there I will be sure to share it with you!!

See you tomorrow!!

With love and peaceful steps,

Katrina and David

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Global Juice Feast Day 46!

I Love Pineapple!
Juice Feast Day 46

The Daily Juice Journal:

This morning we made 5 quarts of GVJ with cucumber, celery, LOTS of cilantro, kale, spinach, romaine, parsley, and carrots. We also made four quarts of orange and pineapple.







Added to juices: Pure Synergy, bee pollen, spirulina, kelp, chlorella, and maca

Also taken: Vitalzym, NCD, Break Stone Tea, coconut oil, and water.

Your Questions:

Hello David, Katrina -

I know you have little time to spare, so I'll make this short and sweet! First and foremost, thank you for changing/saving my life! You are both amazing.

My questions:
1) I hope you don't get offended by this but I have never seen this addressed in any of the plethora of raw food books I have read or anywhere on the juice feasting site: Should I be swallowing my boyfriend's semen on a Juice Feast? I'm thinking a definite no-no while Juice Feasting but what about during a normal raw food lifestyle? Sorry to ask such a ridiculous question but I have been pondering that for a couple of years (maybe I'm just looking for a reason not to :) ).
2) Where do you get your "bookshelves"? I keep outgrowing mine and now have so many mismatched ones. Need something that holds up, inexpensive but uniform. Yours are perfect.
3) Katrina - what type of aloe do you use?
4) I''m suffering from eczema and everything I read says I should be taking Evening Primrose Oil because of the Gamma Linoleic Acid. Do I get the GLAs from my morning dose of Hemp Seed Oil or should I start incorporating this into my juice feast as well?

Thank you both so much. I (and my boyfriend) will be anxiously awaiting your answers!

We Say:

Wow, these are fun questions!

1. We believe that this is totally up to you. You will not be harming yourself in anyway, or arresting the cleansing by doing this on a Juice Feast. In fact, semen is highly nutritious (that is if you partner is healthy)! Get this little tid-bit:

A recent study of college students at the State University of New York in Albany suggests that semen acts as an antidepressant.
“These data are consistent with the possibility that semen may antagonize depressive symptoms,” the authors wrote, “and evidence which shows that the vagina absorbs a number of components of semen that can be detected in the bloodstream within a few hours of administration.”

I kid you not, ladies. Semen is good stuff. It gives a shot of zinc, calcium, potassium, fructose, proteins -- a veritable cornucopia of vitality!

Again, it is totally up to you! I would also take into consideration that sperm carry A LOT of genetic information from your partner. Consider that when you swallow the stuff, you are swallowing something from his body that was designed to pro-create and carries a big punch in terms of life force: his.

2. I am hesitant to say, but yes, we got those beauties from EeeeeRP (Target) SHHHHHH!! Don’t tell anyone. Don’t worry, we will make up for it. Also, yes, they are pretty neat and they can grow exponentially with your library.

3. I use Lilly of The Valley 99% Aloe, but I hope to one day soon have a nice large healthy collection of live aloe plants.

4. You can continue taking Primrose Oil if you like, but hemp oil also has significant levels of GLA. Here is what I found on the topic:

Hemp oil has long been recognised as one of the most versatile and beneficial substances known to man. Derived from hemp seeds (a member of the achene family of fruits) it has been regarded as a superfood due to its high essential fatty acid content and the unique ratio of omega3 to omega6 and gamma linolenic acid (GLA) - 2:5:1.

It is this ratio that is believed to be optimal in terms of improving skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne.

It has been reported that those using hemp oil as a supplement begin to experience noticably softer skin, stronger nails and thicker, smoother hair after only a few weeks.

The oil is approximately 57% linoleic (LA) and 19% linolenic (LNA) acids, the EFAs known as omega6 and omega3 respectively. EFAs are the building blocks of the fatty acids known as eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which are of course associated with the health benefits as noted above, alongside their benefits to almost every cell in the body and are widely accepted as beneficial in warding off and treating degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Hemp oil is also the only food oil that contains not only omega3, omega6, but also GLA. This GLA content means that hemp is a rival to Evening Primrose Oil as well as flazx seed oil, as GLA is the main EFA that is believed to relieve symptoms of pre-menstrual tension (PMT).

Thanks for writing, and many blessings to you! (and your boyfriend!)

Another Question:

Good day,
I was hoping to possibly get your advice.
Day 38 today and I am having problems retaining fluids/juices.
I did a coffee (organic) enema Saturday morning, which I’ve done before, and every green/fruit juice/drink seems to be passing straight through my system quite uncomfortably within moments to hours after consumption.
I'm not sure what's wrong with me or what I should do? Any suggestions about what went wrong or what I can do begin to retain fluids would be greatly appreciated. I’d like to understand what’s going on and I don’t even know where to begin.

We Say:


Here is what we know about diarrhea: It is a cleansing reaction where by your bowel is trying to move stuff it doesn’t want out as quickly as possible. When toxicity builds to a certain degree, acids, from bacteria and/or parasites, attack the bowel, and the bowel glands flush the bowel with mucus and liquids, thereby creating diarrhea. Because coffee enemas cause the liver to dump out toxicity through the bile, it may be that your loose stool is a reaction to the extra toxicity in your colon. It should pass.

Dr. Richard Anderson says about diarrhea:
“Further cleansing reaction, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, occur when extreme toxins are still in the stomach and intestines.”

Celebrate the fact that you are taking care of these toxins! By drinking lots of water, and raw juices rich in electrolytes you will be doing the best thing possible to recover from diarrhea. Do be sure to drink LOTS of water! Another thing you can try is a bentonite and psyllium shake, which will help to bulk up your stool as well as pulling toxins from the intestine and colon. You will also want to take extra green juice and carrot juice to provide extra electrolyte minerals. You may also want to add in some probiotics to re-build a healthy intestinal flora, which will help to strengthen your digestive system.

Perhaps this is also a good time to go over in detail the coffee enema! Ready dear readers?

THE COFFEE ENEMA (as told by Dr. Richard Anderson of Cleanse and Purify Thyself)

Preparing the Coffee Enema:

Use three tablespoons of ground coffee (organically grown coffee is essential) to one quart of water (filtered). Boil for three minutes and then simmer for 20 minutes. Strain and cool to body temperature. Prepare only the amount to be used that day: do not store overnight.

Important! Lie down on your right side, with both legs drawn close to the abdomen. Deep breathing is recommended to draw the greatest amount of fluid into the necessary parts of the colon. It also helps to let all the air out of the lungs and suck the abdomen in and out while in this position.

The fluid should be retained for 15 minutes. It helps to have a clock in clear view. It may also help to have something to read while the water is flowing and being retained. All caffeine is absorbed from the fluid in 10 to 12 minutes. The caffeine goes straight through the hemorrhoidal veins directly into the portal veins and then into the liver, causing the desired effect.

About the coffee enema:

For reducing pain of the worst kind or for eliminating extreme toxic side effects produced by drugs or other toxins affecting the liver, there is nothing more effective than a coffee enema. The liver must handle most of the poisons and other toxins that have found their way into the liver, and a coffee enema is the fastest known method of reducing liver toxicity.

Coffee enemas help remove toxins from the liver quickly and safely. They often provide quick relief when fatigued, sleepy, or headachy, or for just plain malaise. They help reduce or eliminate spasms, precordial (heart, throat, chest) pain, and difficulties resulting from the sudden withdrawal of all intoxicating substances. They also help eliminate headaches caused by coffee withdrawal. Chronic and degenerative dis-eases are usually associated with a faltering liver, a condition that is often associated with liver toxicity: and coffee enemas have been effective in purging the liver of toxins that diminish liver function.

A coffee enema, when used properly, causes the liver to produce more bile and open the bile ducts. This causes the bile to quickly flow out of the liver. During this process, a toxic liver can dump many of its toxicants into the bile, thus getting rid of them in just a few minutes. This can give great relief to all parts of the body, especially the liver. It can easily make the difference between someone feeling so poorly that he or she has to lie down, or feeling well enough to keep active: and in some cases it can make the difference between life and death.

It is important to empty the colon with enemas or colonics before doing a coffee enema for two reasons 1) An empty colon allows the coffee to remain in the colon for the allotted time, and 2) colonics and enemas eliminate colon toxicity that could “hitchhike” with the coffee and enter liver. Obviously, we never want this to occur. Therefore, it is important to always flush out the colon before using the coffee enema.

In serious cases of cancer, especially when pain is being experienced, it may be necessary to perform a coffee enema every six hours, night and day- in the most serious cases, every hour. A coffee enema may be helpful once a day for about 7 days during cleansing. Otherwise it should be used only when one is feeling bad- having headaches, etc. Remember, each person needs to choose what is best for his or her body!

End of Coffee Enema Essay! I have yet to do a coffee enema, mostly because I have not yet made making coffee a priority. I feel good about the whole idea at this point, I just have to make it happen.

Personal Journal:


Day 46! An amazing, miraculous, special, wonderful, magical day. Congratulations to all of you who have come along with us on this juicy journey to Day 46, the half way point to our 92 Day Feast Breaking day!!

A few other special things are transpiring today as well….

~David woke up with a very strong metallic taste in his mouth, and I could even smell metal on him. We feel that his exhaustion of the past few days, and lack of desire for juice, were due to some deep, heavy metal detox! Amazing! A sign of heavy metal poisoning is exhaustion, and he was really feeling it yesterday. It has been another lesson to me in trusting this whole process, and I have to admit yesterday I was questioning the wisdom of David continuing to Feast. He felt very strongly though that he needed to wait it out, and now he feels fine and strong again! Hooray!! So we have added in NCD again, and we also loaded up on cilantro in our juices this morning, and he has been using chlorella today too. All chelators of heavy metal, get those out of his body!! It is amazing to me how deep this cleansing can go.

~BEN!! Has eaten the PRUNES!! Ben has had a very entertaining and informative 92 Day Juice Feast, and we have thoroughly been enjoying having his company in Juice land. I have a soft spot for Ben because he lives in the town where I was born, and he Juice Feasted in the WINTER, and just because he is wonderful!! Eastern Canadian winters are no joke! He is a superb example of what is possible with Juice Feasting, working long hours at two jobs, getting up at 5 to make his juice, picking up produce in miles of snow and blizzards, and maintaining a great sense of humor and providing an amazing inspiration to many through his blog. Congratulations Ben! Stop by and give him a big hug.

~Today was the last day of my 20’s. It has been an impressive decade of learning, growing, loving and blossoming. YET I am so excited to enter my 30’s and I can see the future stretching out in front of me with a beautiful golden glow! I can tell that many wonders and delights await me in the next decade…I feel so much more grounded now than ever in my 20’s and it is time to really bite into life!! MMMMMmmmmmmm! Yummy! I feel that it is very significant to be turning 30 in the middle of a 92 Day Juice Feast.

I think the thing I am most excited about the coming decade is becoming a mom. I have wanted kids ever since I can remember, and I am slightly impressed with myself that I waited until I found the man I know is right for the job. I could have quite easily (almost) gone out and become a mom at 18 with whoever, that is how much I wanted children. But no, I knew I was waiting for a wonderful reason! My baby’s father! I knew it when I met David that he was the father, well worth waiting for.

So, tomorrow for my birthday we are going to get up early, make our juice, pack a cooler and drive to Mt. Lemmon to spend the day hiking. Right now the plan is to take the tent and sleep on the mountain, but I think we will play that by ear. I will try to take some pictures to share and will let you know all about it on the 17th!!

That is it for tonight dear friends, I hope you found the coffee enema essay as riveting as I do, and enjoy your juice!!

With love and peaceful steps,

Katrina and David

Monday, April 14, 2008

Global Juice Feast Day 45!

I Love Walking!

Juice Feast Day 45

The Daily Juice Journal:

This morning I made four quarts of orange, and pineapple and two quarts of watermelon, lemon and blueberry, and one quart of grapefruit juice. I know! No green juice! But we had two quarts left from yesterday, and David is still not feeling like drinking GVJ juice today (?) so I made a lovely mass of fruity goodness.




David is again not feeling like drinking juice, and only fruit juice appeals to him. He is also making sure to drink lots of water




I know, I know, that is a lot of fruit juice, but I was REALLY ACTIVE (45 minute walk, 20 minute re-bound, 20 minutes weights, 20 minutes yoga) today, and the fruit juice was just fine for me and did not wig me out in any way.

Added to juices: Pure Synergy, bee pollen, and maca

Also taken: Vitalzym, Break Stone Tea, coconut oil, and water.

Your Questions:

I am still beginning my raw journey. It has taken 1 year 4 months from reading about it. Doing the research and slowly applying. I am 3 months mostly raw. I see juice feasting in my future. My question is I just started making 2-3 quarts of GVJ first thing in the morning. I notice the taste changes also the color by days end. Is this normal? How much nutrition am I losing? Peace and love...
- Jaye

We Say:

Great, great question, and one that David recently answered in an email. So, here it is!

Pressing Juice is the best method for preventing as much oxidation as possible. Blending and straining is going to create a similar oxidation process to using a centrifugal juicer.

That being said, we have designed the Juice Feasting Program so that it is accessible to the majority of the public who go to work every morning. We have checked our time making juices with a press-style juicer, and the time it takes from preparation to fully cleaned up on a gallon of juice is three times as long as making it with a blender and straining. If a student is making juices before work with a Green Star for both themselves and their spouse - that's two gallons + of juice. This is next to impossible without waking up at 4:30 am for most people.

So, in my 5 years of experience Juice Feasting and coaching Feasts, I have not experienced any loss of noticeable benefit in my clients cleansing and healing process using blended and strained juice made all at once first thing in the morning.

For serious health challenges such as MS and Cancer and the like, using a press-style juicer is highly advised.

You can also check out the Enzyme Retention Study I picked up from George Malkmus and Hallelujah Acres at the bottom of this linked page.

Personal Journal:

I went for a beautiful walk by myself this morning, just after sunrise. Here are some photos for your enjoyment:

Leaving the house.
Passing the pond.
Passing Native Seed Search, our neighborhood farm, with Red Mountain in the distance.

Passing under spring green Cottonwoods and blue, morning sky.
Looking up!
The Arollo where we walk beside the Cottonwoods. During the rainy season, these arollos will fill with raging rivers, flash floods that will keep people from getting home!!

Have a beautiful, juicy evening!

With love, light, and yummy zummy dreams!

Katrina and David

If you have attempted to fit whatever mold and failed to do so, you are probably lucky. You may be an exile of some sort, but you have sheltered your soul. There is an odd phenomenon that happens when one keeps trying to fit and fails. Even though the outcast is drive away, she is at the same time driven right into the arms of her psychic and true kin, whether these be a course of study, an art form, or an group of people. It is worse to stay where one does not belong at all than to wander about lost for awhile and looking for the psychic and soulful kinship one requires. It is never a mistake to search for what one requires. Never.

~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes